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On the day of my graduation from Colby College, I received an email from myself I had writen about a year and a half earlier. I wrote:

Subject: Email from the Past
Dear Future Version of Me,

Congratulations on making it to Graduation day! Right now is seems so far away (although I try not to think too much about it… it’s coming up pretty rapidly). By this point I probably have a job lined up, or at least plans for the summer. Maybe I’m traveling some where, or maybe I’m going to graduate school (although that seems a bit unlikely). Today is January 1st, 2007 and it\’s the start of a new year. I want to make this year a fresh start, I want to worry less and try to have more fun. Did I succeed?

In the coming year, I’m going to try to work on my party website (in case I never did, and I forgot about it, it’s a website that targets people aged 18-28 and helps them plan parties on small budgets in small spaces), do some investing, and generally try to enjoy myself more and be happier. Having a lighter course load should help.

Today, January 1, 2007 and I am leaving home tomorrow to go back to school. I’m going to miss my family a lot. I’ll bet none of that’s changed. I hope I am still healthy and safe, and I am surrounded by my family on this special day as I move to a new point in my life. Congratulations, I never could have made it this far without me…keep up the good work!!
Written at Mon Jan 01, 2007

Well, I may not have a job lined up, but as I predicted, I am taking some time to travel.  In fact, tomorrow, I am getting on a plane bound for London and won’t be returning for six months.  I’m just finishing the final preperation for my trip and I’m really getting down to the wire here – one more load of laundry, a few more things shoved in the suitcase, a couple of last-ditch efforts to actually find a job before I arrive (looking less and less likely) then I’m on my way.  I’ve been planning this trip for almost half a year now and I can’t believe it’s finally here.  I can’t wait to share my experiences abroad and, oh – past self? I’ve definitely been enjoying myself.