Home » London » Dinner out

One of the problems of living in a city with such a developed underground transportation system is that one tends to become quite knowledgeable about certain areas of the city, with absolutely no clue as to what’s going on in between. For example, I feel quite at home in the west end of the city, just north of the river, and just east of the city proper. Other than that, I can sort of muddle my way from tube stop to tube stop.

This was hit home as I met up this evening with my friend Kathryn for dinner near Covent Gardens; arguably one of the places I should be able to figure out the most easily as it’s particularly touristy. She took me on a walk through the absolutely gorgeous part of town where all of the barristers have their home-away-from-home (little studios near the courts so even if they live in the country they can be in the city for important cases). I had no idea that area was there.

Kathryn and I had a great dinner at this little Greek place and then walked through Leicester Square where there were all these big setups getting ready for the European premiere of Dark Night tonight (for which I sadly did not have tickets. Or see Christian Bale. How disappointing). All in all, though, it was a great night!