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You see all sorts of strange sites on the Tube but generally things are pretty boring, especially during the commute.  You get business men and woman, all half-awake, struggling to not look at or touch anyone else in the over-crowded train.  I generally amuse myself by trying to see what everyone else is reading and this leads to some not-so-subtle glances over shoulders or under bags to see the title, author and whether or not I should add it to my list of things to read judging by their expression and engagement (for example, if they miss their stop because they’re reading, I generally add it to the list).

I think what people read on the Tube says a lot about them.  It’s as much of a statement as your bag or shoes or the amount of makeup you’re wearing.

So I’m not sure what to think of the heavily made-up woman on the train across from me this morning who was dressed to the nines, off to her city bank job presumably, reading “The Spanish Lover” by Joanna Trollope.  Somehow I don’t think I’ll be adding that one to my list.