Home » London » Super Social

Had a lovely evening catching up with Ann (my co-resident in the Top Floor Flat for those who have forgotten this blog’s characters over the last three months) and gossiping about our various jobs, extra-curricular activities and social networking grumbles. As we hadn’t had a proper sit-down since I returned it was great to just relax and chat.

In fact I’ll be doing an unusually large amount of socialising over the next few days as my cousin Erin will be arriving in London tomorrow evening and her friend Christine the day after that. I’m so incredibly excited to see Erin – I’m leaving right after work to meet her at the airport and can’t wait to show her all around London. I’ve already got our walking route planned out and hope to include a map and pictures in an update on the weekend. I think we’ll also try to visit Windsor Castle as well, something that will be exciting for me as I haven’t been yet.

Between showing off London, hanging out with my cousin and her friend, catching up with Ann and a coffee date with my new friend Em, this weekend of socialising might just force me to get out and meet more people in this city! Can’t just have museums and famous landmarks for company, can I?