Home » London » Where’s Meaghan?

I have, in the last week, received two pointed emails regarding my lack of posts here on The Top Floor Flat so I feel I should take a moment to explain myself. After all, 10 days without a post is a bit of a record and when my flatmate’s mother (Hi Rosemary!) begins to wonder what’s happened then I know it’s time to get my blogging act together.

Over the last 10 days, I have been dealing with a number of technical issues which, while annoying, have been brought on by some incredibly exciting steps for me personally. First, I’ve sold the company I founded in college, DormWise. This has been a goal of mine for a while and now that the deal is all but finished, I’m absolutely thrilled with how it’s worked out. The site transfer isn’t 100% done but once it is, I’ll be doing a little profile on the (very friendly) guys who are taking over DormWise (lucky them!). Additionally, I’ve been working on another very exciting project (also web 2.0 related) that hopefully will be released in early September. I realise that’s quite vague but this one is going to be a lot of fun and I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

The upshot of both of these things has been that I needed a new server for my remaining sites (The Top Floor Flat, Techettes and my new project) while shedding the DormWise site and server. Not exactly the most complex process but painful enough that the server transfer took a few days longer than anticipated and both this blog and Techettes suffered a bit of down time. It’s thanks entirely to my fantastic hosting service BlueHost that we’re all up and running again normally and I can, for example, come back to post about such important life updates as Lord of the Rings all-nighters.

So, thanks for the emails, I’m glad you missed me! Stay tuned for some exciting announcements and more general chatter from The Top Floor Flat.

One thought on “Where’s Meaghan?

  1. […] This post was Twitted by MegFitz […]

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