I apologise in advance if any of this post is incredibly incoherent.  I’m alternately typing and screaming at the television as I watch the men’s finals of Wimbledon (tie-break of the 4th set! Ahh!)

Last night was a lot of fun – I met up with the folks that I met at the pub the other night.  In addition to having some nice people with whom to watch Doctor Who, I got to explore some of the beautiful Canary Wharf and Isle of Dogs area.  (Uh oh… I don’t think this game is going to last much longer…).  I could do a massively long post about Doctor Who and my thoughts but I think that’s probably unnecessary.  Let’s just say, it was not the ending I would have chosen for my favorite season so far but there were two (and some) Doctors (Oh NO! Federer, bad shot!) and you really can’t go wrong with double the David Tennant.

ANYway, moving on from my absurd geekiness.  Today I decided to go to Cambridge which I’ve heard is a beautiful  (AH, GO Federer! How is he hanging in this thing?!) city.  Unfortunately it was pouring rain in the morning when I awoke.  Because it cleared up around 9:30, I decided to head out anyway as it was only a 40 minute train ride from London.  I met some nice people on the train, a couple who were also heading out to meet a friend.  We all chatted on the ride down (the man does strategic business consulting for IT companies, as did the woman until she had a ‘mid life criss’ and became a nutritional therapist).  When I got to Cambridge, I didn’t have a map or any plan so I just wandered around the city.  I hadn’t really (OH no! Championship point! Oh wait, nevermind! Ahh! It’s a challenge! Federer wins the challenge! I need to stop this commentary!) counted on the fact that all of the museums would be closed on Sunday which was a unfortunate and the rain picked up again.  Basically my trip to Cambridge was beautiful as the city was very nice, but also quite damp.  I have to say I think I like Oxford better, even counting for the fact that I was biased against Cambridge.  There were also a ton of Italians there for some reason.  Like, absurd numbers.  With balloons in the colors of the Italian flag that said ‘Italia’ on them.  In any case, I ended up leaving around 3 (AH!! WE GO TO 5TH SET! Go Federer!!!!) and got back home a little before 5 (it’s 40 minutes from Kings Cross which is 45 min from my house) and am just relaxing this afternoon – I thought about going down to be at Wimbledon for the finals, although I couldn’t get tickets I’d be able to sit on the hill and be around for the atmosphere but I was worried it would be over by the time I got there and it’s still raining on and off.  I’m disappointed I never got down to the courts during the games, that’s something I really did want to experience.

Well, I’m going to focus on the 5th set now, have a great evening!

So… I forgot to take pictures last night.  To be fair, besides the fact that it was in an amazing setting (the British Museum has this atrium that used to be an open-air courtyard around the British Library, and now is an exhibit hall enclosed by a giant domed glass ceiling) and the fact they were giving away free Krispy Kreme donuts (how can you get more American than that? Free fried food.) the 4th of July event was a bit underwhelming.  Part of the problem was that it was so crowded! The whole area was jam-packed and surprisingly with very few Americans.  That was alright, though, because earlier that day I discovered through Facebook that a friend of mine, Kathryn Taussig, with whom I attended middle and high school at Castilleja was also in London that day.  I managed to get ahold of her and she met me at the British Museum event.  From there, we went with one of her friends (in fact her roommate from school – she’s been at college at St. Andrews in Scotland the last three years) to this incredible Ethiopian restaurant.

I’d never had Ethiopian food before (or if I had, I hadn’t had it like this.)  It was served the traditional style – all of the dishes we had ordered were poured on top of this giant piece of doughy bread, which we then used to scoop up the spicy beef and lamb dishes on top.  There were no utensils other than the bread itself so things got a little messy.  We also got a bottle of the traditional honey wine which was quite tasty.  As Kathryn has been living in the UK for the last three years, she knows a lot of people around Europe and was already suggesting friends I might visit when I take time to travel.  She’s going to be in London all summer and doesn’t really know anyone in the city either so hopefully I’ll be seeing a lot more of her!  She also got excited about DormWise which is always nice and encouraging for me :).

Today I had a long, late breakfast with Mimi (who is so nice to keep taking me out for meals) and then I went home to do (a ton) of laundry and bake cookies for the thing I’m going to tonight.

I found a group of people online (very dodgy, I know, but I wasn’t stupid about this or anything) who have weekly pub meet-ups and they all sounded very friendly and smart.  On Thursday, the group was meeting relatively near my work so I figured I’d poke my head in, if they seemed alright stay for a drink and head out or just keep walking if it didn’t seem like my type of group.  I ended up staying for over two hours chatting and met some really nice people.  I got invited to join some of them this evening for the finale of the Doctor Who series 4 (ahh! it ended on such a cliffhanger last week!) and readily took them up on the offer because it’s not nearly as fun watching the show alone.  They’re way on the other side of the city, near Canary Wharf (that’s the Investment banker/MBA area of the city) .

Unfortunately my baking experiment didn’t turn out quite as pretty as I hoped (I made sugar cookies with jam filling) but they taste fine which I guess is most important.  In any case, expect a journal update of somewhat overwhelming geekiness next, after I see the Doctor Who finale!

I’ve linked into another Spoonfed article just because they’re awesome (and I can use my blog to promote our website if I want to!).

Tonight I’m going to the British Museum’s American Independence Day Celebration which will have line dancing, lindy hop dancing (live bands for both!) baseball and American football games, arts and crafts and “American-style food and drink for sale,” whatever American-style means. I also connected with a friend from high school who has been living in the UK for the last five years (she went to Saint Andrews for college) and who is in London this summer. I don’t think we can swing a meetup tonight but we’ll definitely do something tomorrow. Saturday will be a bit busy just getting things in order (I still need to get some basic household goods – although getting a paycheck this week should really help as I think I’ve overdrawn my accounts… oops!) and Sunday I’m going to take a day trip to Canterbury or Cambridge (not sure which yet). Alright, enjoy the article attached, it’s quite a good one by our lovely out and about writer Sarah. I’ll have pictures from tonight’s Independence Day event up soon and happy 4th of July to you all!!


Whether you’re a local or a tourist, this article describes the best walking tours around the city – not a bad deal when you consider it’s cheaper to buy a pint of beer than a pint of petrol.

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More Dancing

I love my job.

Because I had gone to the line dancing class and mentioned that I enjoyed dance classes in general, Sarah, Spoonfed’s Out and About editor asked me if I wanted to go to the press night at a local salsa club. This meant free drinks, free dance lesson and another chance to write an article for the site (I realize my job is online marketing. That doesn’t mean I don’t love writing the articles).

I had a great time, although it was a bit of a let down as they clearly wanted us all to pay for the intermediate lesson after the beginner lesson (the beginner lesson was very, very basic). It was sort of a cross between a work out video and speed dating (lots of left and right and left! and left and right and left! alternated with switching dance partners along the line every few eight counts) but it got me moving and gave me an excuse to get some free drinks (a good move because everything’s so expensive here!).

“Who goes to the gym these days? Here are ten ways to lose weight, meet the opposite gender and maybe pick up some marketable skills (pole dancing, ladies?)”

This is one of the articles from http://www.spoonfed.co.uk about the top dance classes in London and the other night I went to the line dancing class to write a review. It was so much fun! (extra fun because I got in for free as press – sweet!) I won’t say any more as I’ll post the article I’ve written once it goes live on the site, but this is just a bit of the crazy, fun stuff I can do in London!

Oh, by the way, I realize I had the settings such that people who didn’t have a livejournal couldn’t post comments (I was wondering why so few of you were commenting on my entries!) and I’ve fixed that so you can *all* leave comments now. Hint hint.

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