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Last night was one of the best dance classes so far.  It was the only venue I hadn’t seen yet and it definitely one of the most popular.  It was a huge group for the lesson, and everyone ended up staying quite late to keep dancing, including myself which meant it was nearly midnight by the time I got home.

I first went to the class last week with my friend Sarah (who works at Spoonfed and whose bachlorette party I attended a few weekends ago) and her fiance Steven.  I had told Sarah back when I first started at Spoonfed that I liked jive and swing dancing (even though I’d never done it before) and she spent a month and a half telling me to come along to this class she did three times a week.  Finally, last week I made the time to go along and I’m so glad I did and that I’ve bought the 5-week pass (L30 for 5 weeks of unlimited classes).  It’s good exercise after my increasingly long days in the office, fun, and social.  Exactly what  I needed.

I’ve also joined a book group and need to hunt down a copy of Slaughterhouse Five as that’s the first book on the list.  I’ve never read it before and know it’s one of those books I have to read at somepoint so this should be a good excuse.

I took a bunch of pictures last week of my commute (it’s really not that exciting but I had a request) so I’ll be uploading those this weekend.  I didn’t take any pictures of the Tube… you are allowed to use camera on the underground, but generally it’s groups of tourists taking pictures of each other.  It might look a bit suspicious if I tried to just photograph the trains and stations.  I’m not sure the officer would buy my excuse of trying to document my commute for a group of people on average 4000 miles away!