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So, it’s been quite busy getting back into the swing of things since I took last Thursday and Friday off work.  We’re busier than ever at Spoonfed and it’s been so exciting to be working there.  That’s part of the reason there have been fewer posts of late, and also why I haven’t had too much time to make a longer update about my latest trip.

The other reason is that I am participating in something called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.  Although it’s international now, it’s an American based event that takes place every November and encourages writers to write 50,000 words (about 100 single spaced typed pages) over the course of the month.  This amounts to 1667 words or about 3 pages per day.  It doesn’t sound so bad at first, but it’s actually a huge time commitement and I’m currently way behind in my word count.

That said, I’m putting in a lot of effort to hit 50k by the end of the month and I think I can make it with some diligent weekend work and the occational evening of leaving the office on time. Once I have a better idea myself, I’ll give an update as to what, exactly my novel is about.  No expectations for literary genius, please – the goal of NaNoWriMo is to write for quantity not quality just to get the mental gears spinning and the ball rolling on a personal writing project.  It’s not to late – want to get involved yourself or read about it for next year? Check out the official site for NaNoWriMo or my personal NaNoWriMo page.